Thursday, October 14, 2010

I want to start off well

I rode a bike today for the first time in years. Literally. Gave credence to the expression. Literally. This stuff has always been my bike. But I want to start over, I want to give this another go with a new approach. Something more open and friendly. Something grand and diverse.

This is my new place to talk about things I learned today, feelings I have about the events of the world, opinions on protocol or society. A place to share the things I hear and see. And it's your place too. All you have to do is ask and you're part of the community. Part of the team. Write about something you discovered or whatever the hell it is you've always wanted to say. Ask the questions you've always wanted people to answer or try to answer.

We're going to set up a mediafire account so sharing songs you love or things you wrote can become even easier. When you get added to the community you'll get the password for the account and you'll be able to add any files or grab any files you desire.

If anyone else has any other ideas about this experiment, then all you have to do is say it and we'll try and implement it. Everyone will be able to post, but I'll keep the admins low just so nothing gets too intensely crazy. I will totally take any suggestions, though. Give me a better name and I'll drop this one.

I'll try my best to post as often as possible. And I'd love it if we could manage to get some debate up in this bitch. Throw a Re: on your post and have at it.

But really. On to the good stuff.


  1. can i debate the banner?

  2. honestly, it's just a place-holder until i got hold of someone like you or jb.

    go for it?

  3. haha nah, just kidding.

    but yeah... change it eventually.

    antlerrrsssssss on evverrryyythhaaaaannnggg
