Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lost in the Week.

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Something I discovered today:
Bon Iver. Honestly, I'm a little shocked at how far behind I am on this one. Anyway, I'm hoping at least a few of you are even further behind on it than I am. It's nice to have a bit of a break from my current trend of music. I threw up four songs that I've been listening to a lot, recently. I've got to admit that my interest in Bon Iver was perked by Kanye West.

So much for getting away from what I usually listen to. But guys, really, I'll try and avoid just posting a metric shit ton of hip hop or rap or whatever it is you guys think I listen to. Because neither of us want that. Neither. Uh.

Oh man. This is gonna be tough.

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I've started working in a psych lab just this past week, doing social psychology experiments. Haven't got a chance to run any, just yet, but we're in the prep stage. It should be pretty interesting, tampering with the door-in-the-face technique that a lot of you have probably learned about. Feel free to ask if you've never heard of it/can't remember. Considering I should probably learn to explain it in my sleep, now.

And that's cool and all, but it's really brought to light the fact that I need to start making decisions about my life that I've been putting off for the last few months. Well, years. Specifically (in this conversation), it's my running debate of pursuing clinical psychology or branching off into the social psychology sphere. I've essentially been telling myself that I'll keep pursuing what I consider to be the harder one of the two, and the one I prefer, until I realize that it's no longer attainable. That is, I'll keep working to become a legitimate clinical psychologist until someone says that I'm not qualified. Then I'll switch to social psychology and perhaps a run at marketing, or even law.

Really, I just think I'd look good in a suit.

The problem I'm facing is that until someone actually says those words ("Andy, you don't have what it takes."), I'll never know when it's time to call it a career. But this lab had got me thinking that I'd thrown in the towel, and decided that social psychology is the way to go. Then, as the ball in my brain started rolling, I realized that no, I wasn't ready to give up. So next semester, when my commitment to my lab is up, I'm going for a position in a clinical lab. I've also been looking into grad school, recently. I suppose, ever since I received an email about Ryerson's clinical psychology graduate program. Yeah. That'd do it.

I think I'm just afraid that if I postpone this decision too long, I'll find out that I'm chasing a pipe dream just a minute too late and both my plan and my backup plan will pass me by.

But I'm not going to let that stop me from taking the risk.

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It's fall. Winter's just around the corner. How do you guys feel about that? Personally, I feel like this year's going a lot faster. I like that, but at the same time I feel like I should be a lot further ahead than I am. It's troubling.

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Skinny Love - Bon Iver
The Wolves (Act I and II) - Bon Iver
Re: Stacks - Bon Iver
Blindsided - Bon Iver
Lost in the World - Kanye West ft. Bon Iver


  1. I loveeeeee Bon Iver. I work to Bon Iver because it's quiet enough to tune out but upbeat enough to keep me happy.

  2. Mmk. Sorry, but I have to say this being the girlfriend and all.

    Yeah. You'd look good in a suit.
