Saturday, March 26, 2011

The back of your head is pretty hot
I guess I like your back, I guess I like your bod
but then you turned around
Oh what we could have been if you always faced in towards the centre of the world away from me,
I bet you have great personality, but I've already got friends a plenty
and I have to tell you their really (pretty) great
but your face didn't get through the gate
This isn't a moral debate, when limits we hit we realize the mould,
can't hold,
anymore then the people to which we've already given parts of our soul
and cool is alright but a weekend hanging on the beach with your friends can't be beat.
Don't be that guy who spreads too little butter on too much toast.
Don't be the bread with too little yeast.

Don't make me feel bad for having a cap
I'm only one person, even a little more than that, sometimes
but I can't be your friend at this point in the game unless your pretty good looking and you want fuck
with me.
I guess. unless your a rocket scientist or a marine biologist, or have a super power or something like that.
But even then you better be more than that.
This is where we're at when we're a limited fact.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alex Goot

Spent some time roaming YouTube last night for the first time in a while and came across a guy named Alex Goot. He's pretty dang good, in my opinion. Here's a video of him covering "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.

Just thought I'd share. Hope everyone's doing all right.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Title Track

I've been disappointed with my effort, recently. Not enough studying, not enough reading, not enough volunteering, not enough sleeping, not enough eating, not enough talking, not enough of this and that, not enough of this. So, beyond the uncooked chicken, the unfinished assignments, the lack of drive, and the slimming possibilities, I'm starting to see other side-effects. My health is like that: I get a cold and my body is sore; I get a headache and throw up. I guess it makes sense that the psyche would work similarly.

So, since I've been struggling with effort, I've decided to try a few things to challenge myself. I'm going to see if I can make challenge a routine. For instance, I'm making playlists an hour on the dot, I'm getting back into casual reading, I'm trying to meet more people, and I'm trying to do more thinking before my actions (so there's less thinking after). In any case, I hope to shake this soon. I'm sure I will, but until then, here's to the crutch!

I can post the songs from one of these playlists if you want. So far there's six, each with a title track that: Conversation 16, God's Gonna Cut You Down, King Night, Man on the Moon (The Anthem), The Joker, and Where To Now. Take your pick. I try to keep the song variety wide while keeping the feeling specific. Keeps me busy.

Anyone feeling like the lousy weather is draining?

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Sorry about the low-effort post. I'm still not there.