Friday, November 5, 2010

Let's have a Vote (Dude, I added pictures!)

Take 2. I need help in making a decision. Like, honestly.

I have to decide by November 12th whether or not I am going to drop a course. I have nooo idea what to do. The first "test" (worth 20%) I passed, but didn't do fantastic on. The second test the other night I feel was probably my worst work produced in university (unless under some shear luck my eenie meanie minie mo for a few questions really paid off... but remember I'm the girl in grade 8 who studied the wrong thing for a science test/teacher said that I'd be fine because it's just true and false/I guessed all of them wrong/he laughed as he was marking my test in front of me. No hard feelings for him though because c'mon... how bad luck is that).

Here's why I want to drop the course. To sum it up, I don't like it. The course is called Physical Activity and Coronary Artery Disease. You think there'd be some mention of physical activity and the direct benefits it has on the heart but noooo. All the physiology crap I tried to leave in first and second year. Not my forte. I'm more of a people motivator course kind of girl. LOVE those courses and I do excel tremendously in those (at least so far... woot woot).

A girl that we all know in 4th year (Tosin) Kinesiology, took the course last year and she said the final is really hard (woot) and advises I do drop it. She is more physiology based than I am, so basically right there that makes me want to pee my pants. The final is on all the lecture material thus far and I find it really hard to understand in class. Also, I should add, I missed 2 night classes in a row (therefore, 6 classes... don't know if that's the same for all schools) from studying for an exam at 9:30 the next morning one week and from being sick the next.

Basically, I really don't WANT to take this course. I feel like it'll drop my average a lot, which y'know, is not cool with me. Next year, I'm currently signed up to be in only 4 courses, so I could find some Kin course I'm sure to make up for the one that I'm in right now (hopefully not another physiology course). I'm not completely opposed to the idea of an extra semester/5th year, but part of me does really want to graduate with the people that I know in Kin (but on that note, if I don't graduate with them and just so happens when I'm walking across a stage, I trip and fall... THEN I'll be cool because I don't know many of those kids in the year below me).

My concern is, having canceled courses on my transcript look bad for grad school or the other college-after-university programs. Does anyone know?

I emailed my head Kin lady, who knows me quite well, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I know she'll probably be the make/break for me.

Anyways, if you guys could help me out in deciding this one. I feel like it's biggie.

Crap, I'm late. Got to be at my hair dressers in Woodbridge in an hour (I'm in Hamilton) and got to finish packing for Montreal. Why do I keep typing? Note to self: Go to bed earlier to wake up earlier!

Since you guys all add pictures and I want to be cool like you, I decided to come back and edit my post to add awesome things.
Because Marcel the Shell is awesome.

Because Taylor Swift wins.

Because this is one of the cutest things I've seen in my life. Andy, I want one.

Because I REALLY want one right now. It's somewhat of an obsession (I'm a car girl... unfortunately for my bank account, I can't settle for a "shit box" as a first car). I'm thinking after next summer this baby will be miiiiiine (with a little help from a friend who works at Ford and can maybe get me a deal)!


  1. Sounds to me like you've already decided what you want to do. Also, I'm assuming MAC has an add/drop date for courses (I know Redeemer does). For me, if you drop a course after a certain date, it does appear on your transcript. I'm sure your head KIN lady will help you out with that.

  2. I was going to say the same thing. Sounds like you made a decision already. But
    first bit. Main reason why we ask opinions.

    "Some people say my head is bigger than my body."

  3. Not to be the obvious answer, but academic advisers can really help. It's always a good idea to consult them when dropping a course. They have a plethora of past examples of students and the effects these sorts of choices had on them.

  4. Thanks guys. I'm going to go to the drop in hours tomorrow to talk to them. It'll appear on my transcript no matter what. The head kin lady said to talk to them as well and she didn't think that it affects grad schools. I'll keep everyone posted!
