Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday - Things to ponder: Q and Think.

Hey if your bored this Christmas season ponder over this article and the ensuing questions. Questions of Christmas, religion and pretty much just life. I'll try to follow up this post with my own thoughts in the new year for the things I need to get off my chest and am passionate about.

But really I just think it's important for everyone to think over this sort of stuff especially in this sort of season when we're celebrating life and love:

Ricky Gervais Takes Your Questions

Q#2: Other than response to this article, what is one specific person/place/thing that you "love" in this season and what is one thing that you crave about this season?

Merry New Holidays

RE: QA#5

On the topic I realize recently it's more important to thank people for taking the time to think of you than the actual gift.

I suck at gifts. I am good at giving my time freely. I don't know if I will give any gifts this year, maybe, but there's so many people, and I really do love them all so much (really not meaning to be cliche) so I don't know I really want to just be with people and hope that is good enough. If it is not, please tell me and I will enter a gifting relationship with you. *<:)

I think the best gift I ever received legit was a invitation to and then participation of my first actually "happy" new years with good friends in the middle of highschool.

...but if you are talking about only "stuff" um, I guess a old school tablehockey set from my aunt. Not air-hockey, but the old use your fingers to flick and twist the five dudes attached to rails, table hockey. For some reason it just brought me a lot of joy. First gift I ever got that I actually wanted a lot and did not have to ask for I guess.

The favorite present I have given someone is, well I usually only give during secret santas. But I did have many gifts from the drama China trip a few of us went on a few years back. I really put some serious thought into who would enjoy what. I never really got to give them to the people they were for; even though some people I feel I can't give the presents to anymore present day (I miss those people... yup...). So! I guess the best gift I ever gave was a gift I was never really able to give.

Also: Christmas Lights
Cliche and cheezy I know. but good, I think.

BY THE WAY: Christmas season car rides are the best.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Re: Q&A 5 Christmas

I'm going to have to keep this brief, what with the impending doom of finals, research papers, and general malaise of December weather.

I really don't think it's any harder to buy for guys than it is for girls. And I don't think it's any harder to buy for girls than it is for for guys. It's completely independent and based on the person themselves. Some people are more thoughtful on this sort of thing. They know what they want, or could at least imagine something that would be useful to them. Other people are much less adept at identifying anything that they need. Still others don't need anything because the minute they think of something they need, they rush out and buy it for themselves.

I think it'd be foolish of me to think it's safe to fill the Internet in on what I'm getting people for Christmas. Especially since I know that the majority of people I would be actually getting gifts for are probably aware of this site or at the least could become aware of it in the next sixteen days. However, I will say that I've really only managed to come up with three ideas, all of which I've executed. Two of which were very small. One of which was larger, but I definitely pawned the expenses off to my parents. Give and take relationship, that is. I give the gift of giving.

My favourite gifts I've received are probably, for sentimentality's sake, things I've got from my grandparents. Everyone knows that sometimes grandparents can come up with some duds for gifts, but even then, you can recognize the thoughtfulness that went into it. But more than every once in a while, grandparents find a way to come up with something that makes you really understand what a good gift is. Whether it's paying attention to the things they know you love, or passing on something to you of theirs, you feel like they always put more into the gift than you can tell.

I can't honestly think of the best gift I've given. I like to think that I'm capable of the dramatic, grand gesture--delivering the impossible. But I'm not. My dad is good at that. I'm really not even creative enough to begin thinking of great gifts. I really feel like the best gifts, though, are the ones you come across for people that you're not thinking about at the time. Of course, it's so much harder to do this around Christmas when shopping is on the brain. But those moments in August when you spot something that you know should absolutely belong to that one specific person. And then you wait.

I'm adding a picture of Christmas. And I think you should too.

Yeah, I did. So what?

P.S. I know it's tough to free up time for any sort of activity over here during what is exam time for many of you. That being said, I will do my best to get something up here either during my four day break between my last exams (which is really a two day break--thank you, research paper). However, if I don't, I'll try my best to put one up on either the night of the 18th, morning of the 19th, or night of the 19th. Depending on how much drunk the night of the 18th is. Of course, if enough people want me to, I can always try cranking one out whilst shmammered.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I love Christmas. I love the sparkling lights, the warmth from the fire place, the comfort of family and giving presents to those who are close to me (and being done exams... let's not forget about that most glorious part).

I'm calling it quits for tonight for studying and as I was packing up my things, I was thinking about things I want to buy for people for Christmas. I like to come up with my own ideas and something that is creative, but it gets so hard sometimes (ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE BUYING FOR GUYS... I have 7 to buy for!)

This leads me to my question (s):

What are you giving for Christmas, what has/have been your favourite present(s) received (in case anyone thinks I'm all materialistic, I'd like to exclude the birth of Jesus... that's just a give in) and what has been your most favourite present you have given someone?

My mom and I have a tradition where we watch Charlie Brown Christmas every year. That being said...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Re: Q&A #3

1. Brooke Fraser-Flags
You may know her from Hillsong fame (apparently shes a popstar in newzealand as well) but shes done some pretty cool solo work.
I think what I enjoyed about this album the most was how she seemed to grow since her last album. She noticeably mixes things up and takes a few risks on this one which in my opinion worked out really well. To give a bit of background to that thought - her last album was something girls around the age of 15 would love. I think shes really come out of that box with flags which is very cool to see and is much appreciated.
I particularly like the writing on this newest one. Its pretty thoughtful.

2. Jonsi - Go
This album is super fun. Its epic, awe inspiring, orchestral, upbeat... The guy is from Sigur Ros. If your familiar with that band at all you'll have a loose idea of what to expect. I like this album more than anything I've listened to of there's though.
It really has to be heard. GO Do it.

3. Future of Forestry
I've been listening to two EPs by this band under the names Travel I and Travel II. Both are fantastic and seem to go together and grow upon the previous nicely.
I really like the sound. As I think about it, its hard to describe but at the same time seems so clear to me. From what I've read, hes a Christian guy, and it does come out in the music. Not in a nauseating, overt way (in my opinion) but in a 'oh! that's neat to hear that' kinda way. Get my drift? Again I like the writing and the images he uses. There's also some cool instruments and sounds happening that you don't hear all to often.

*A few songs from each are up on mediafire

Re: Q&A #3

So i'm actually going to post in here for once...

I couldn't tell you which are my absolute favourite albums, so I'll just share a few of the ones that have been getting me through my work over the past few weeks.

1. Florence and the Machine - Lungs

I had a few songs by her before, but only fairly recently got the whole album. I like.

Fav songs:
- Drumming
- Howl
- Dog Days Are Over

2. Foy Vance - Hope

I've had this album for years, but you know when you re-discover an old album in your collection and listening to it just makes you feel all warm and content and reminiscent? Well that's this album for me. He's been a favourite since I first heard him.

Fav songs:
- Be With Me
- First of July
- Gabriel and the Vegabond
- Indiscriminate Acts of Kindness
- If Only You Could See Yourself Like I See

... basically just the whole thing.

3. James Blunt - Some Kind of Trouble

Don't even laugh, guys.... it's so UPBEAT!

Fav songs:
- Stay the Night
- I'll Be Your Man

Others that I want to include but won't in order to keep it shortish:
- Marc Broussard - Carenco
- Meiko - Meiko
- Joshua Radin - The Rock and the Tide

Re: Q&A 3

I had a hard time doing this because I don't listen to albums, but rather just songs in general that I like. I'm not expecting any of you to like this or even bother to listen to this given the fact that you all know my taste in music and have all voiced your opinions before. Here it is anyways:

Back to December
Never Grow Up
Sparks Fly

Friday, December 3, 2010

RE: Q&A Number 3

All right, so I think I've finally got this thing figured out. And by "this thing" I mean the whole mediafire, file-sharing set up. So let's see if this worked.

So, since I live in no-wheresville, my internet is pretty slow. Since it's pretty slow, I didn't get to put up as many songs as I'd have liked, but there comes a certain point where you just say "that's good enough," and walk away.

And since pictures are nice, here you go.Just to reiterate, these songs are from Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds: Live at Radio City (Stay or Leave, So Damn Lucky, Lie in Our Graves), and Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park (One Sweet World, Grey Street, Melissa). They should all be up on the mediafire account.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.